Politicians are outdoing themselves this season for being nasty and even hurtful.
Seems like nothing is off limits.
But we don’t have to look to politics for nastiness, just see what’s happening in schools, offices and even friendships.
We hate haters but it is getting easier to express hateful comments because, sadly, people are more accepting of it.
To stamp out haters, it is important not to let the insult divert you from what you believe.
Haters have apparently become diet doctors because they sure throw a lot of hurtful comments about people’s body shapes and sizes.
Instagram alone has become a reserve for outdoing others by making them jealous and trying to get more “likes”.
Forget what others think.
What do YOU think?
Haters are going to hate because it’s easy to do with the high connectivity we have in our digital world.
Let it roll off of you (shake it off, as Taylor Swift advises).
Do not retaliate – be the person you want to be.
Don’t go trolling for “likes” unless it is a “like” for how you feel about yourself.
No love is possible unless we can love ourselves first and most importantly.
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