Has this happened to you?
Recently I made the acquaintance of an interesting man who shortly after he introduced himself to me, proceeded to talk for more than an hour – about himself.
Most emails are self-centered – about the sender and what he or she wants. Often – but thankfully not always – they totally disregard the receiver’s interests, well-being or state of mind.
Go back and review your text messages and see how many of them actually are person centered – to you?
The realization is that we live in a world of self-absorption. Even retailers and advertisers pander to that.
Dale Carnegie also cautioned to make people like you, talk in terms of the other persons interests, but does that work today when people are already talking about themselves.
The answer is – double down.
Even a self-absorbed person cannot help but like to hear us say, “Tell me more about this”. And surprisingly, you may get an inquiry about you.
Just because the world is getting more self-absorbed and egotistical does not mean that we have to be that way.
Fighting for attention from a self-absorbed person is always a losing battle.
But doubling down and talking in terms of that person’s interests still works almost every time.
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