Even a Seal Gets the Fish

Thank you is two powerful words.

If you ask people what is eating them, a lack of appreciation is near the top of the list.  In fact, for decades, workplace studies confirm that the number one thing employee’s want in their career is appreciation.

Even above money!

Money often ranks fourth or lower.

Appreciation is free – we humans have the capability of manufacturing as much appreciation as we need every day.  And yet, too frequently we don’t do it.

Everyone knows how to show appreciation – a word, a note, a handshake, a compliment in front of others – the ways are endless.

But first we must make generating constant appreciation a more significant part of our daily routine.

May I share with you what got my attention the very first time I heard it?

Even a seal is thrown a fish for listening to its trainer.

What an image.

What a great way to remember to walk around and hand out the “food” that makes people happy, cooperative and motivated – sincere and honest appreciation.

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