Feeling Bad About Being Stressed

Stress isn’t always your fault. 

More than a 40-hour workweek.  Balancing family with work.  The constant barrage of digital distraction.  No time to think or refresh. 

It is never too late to retrain your brain.  Our brains adjust to every new thought and experience. 

If companies can “right-size”, we can “right-wire”.

The Mayo Clinic Stress program proves it.  If a loved one baked your favorite chocolate chip cookies but hid them from you for your own protection (so you don’t eat them all at once), but you found the stash – will you be able to find the cookie jar again?

If your answer was yes, you have the ability to form new memories.

To be honest, it isn’t easy distressing in an increasingly stressful world, but we have the amazing ability to protect ourselves against stress and make our lives happier.

A vacation is one example, but when we return we to return to stress.

What if we returned but protected ourselves against the stressors around us.

In other words, return from vacation to take a vacation from stress.

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