Gaining Confidence

Sounding confident doesn’t mean being confident.

Talk to yourself as a believer in you – not to convince other people that you are competent.

Instant confidence booster:  always think of the things you do well, no reason to concentrate on things you are criticized for.

Confidence is perishable – when things go good it automatically gets better, when things are tough, confidence is strained. 

Sticking with something is a confidence builder.

Failing is a strength, take credit for your willingness to overcome adversity. 

Often, just saying something positive about yourself, builds confidence. 

Before I speak to audiences, I always remind myself that I have earned the right to be standing there.  That I have the skills to share what is on my mind and that I respect the audience the way I expect them to respect me.   It never fails.

Confidence is your ability to handle anything, deal with everything and stick with it until you succeed.

Failing has nothing to do with losing confidence.

Forgetting about the fine person you are has everything to do with it.

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