Researchers from Washington State University analyzed a billion tweets during American sporting events including the 2013 Super Bowl and discovered that being confident makes you more popular than being right.
What’s worse is that the louder or more confident the tweets sounded, the more trustworthy and popular they were.
I know this is Twitter, but Twitter imitates life these days.
In life, the loud, confident person looks like they know what they are talking about even if they are all wet.
So the question is: should we act more confident and speak in louder tones to make people believe us and like us?
First, a thought.
What if we were louder, sounded more confident AND knew what we were talking about?
And that’s the secret to being a persuasive person.
All style and no substance is a dead end.
Before trying to persuade another, make sure you have a legitimate argument that can be substantiated.
“To be persuasive we must be believable; to be believable we must be credible; credible we must be truthful” – Edward R. Murrow
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