The last thing any of us need is a better “To Do” List.
In fact, we are multitasking ourselves into madness, frustration and increased anxiety.
If you want to see real change in your daily life real fast, make a “Don’t Do List” – the things that are in your purview that you have consciously decided to not do.
Nothing pays dividends more than this.
Over 50 years ago an author named Alan Lakein came up with a system of prioritization that would have you organize everything in A’s, B’s and C’s
A’s must get done today.
B’s are tomorrow’s A’s.
C’s are on hold.
The on hold tasks are the ones I discovered never get done so why not relegate them to a “Don’t Do List”.
Being more efficient is not going to make us happier.
Doing more things every day is not going to make us richer.
Multitasking is contributing to high anxiety.
Some things just shouldn’t be done at all and knowing the difference and putting them in their place means everything.
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