Remember that feeling in grade, middle or high school?
The feeling of being excluded – left out.
It would be nice if children outgrew excluding others when they became adults.
SnapChat allows young people to create their own groups and only include the invited – a step stronger than simply having people “friend” you.
You can’t do anything about other people’s behavior but while they are out excluding people, you can be making great friends by being inclusionary.
Be thoughtful enough to make sure everyone is included in the event.
It’s shocking how many companies fail to invite people who sit outside their doors to be part of teams. Invite them in.
Reach out to those left out.
Before this day ends, include someone in an activity or a simple conversation and watch how making them feel wanted will make you feel better.
Only weak people exclude others.
Strength of character comes from standing up for and alongside people who bring diversity to our lives.
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