Call someone who has lost a loved one this past year to help them through their grief at holiday time.
Do something you never usually do – take a vacation alone, or a day by yourself. Ask anyone who has traveled alone for the first time and ask them how many people they met. Be courageous and reap the benefits.
Bring a gift to someone ill or needy.
When I was working at a Philadelphia radio station, I spent one memorable Christmas Eve at the Moss Rehabilitation Center horrified as little children with advanced arthritis sped down the hallways in the prone position on skateboard type devices. When they were ready for bed, I went room to room and handed them each a radio. I got the real gift that warms me until this day.
Try to spend at least some time with the kindest, most considerate person you know doing anything as long as it is with them.
Stay off of Facebook and social media that has been proven to make users lonelier.
Next year you may be closer to friends or a special person may have entered your life, but today you have yourself – the specialist gift you ever receive.
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