Marriage Savers

  1. When you win an argument, someone has to lose.  Best way to win an argument is to avoid it.
  2. Postpone judgment.  Whatever your partner says that you may have a quick reaction to, take a moment – even a brief one if that is all you can muster – before commenting.  You’ll find that your ability to pause, think and consider will become easier.
  3. Work as hard on your marriage as you do on your career and you will obtain it (my personal favorite).
  4. The best gift that never goes out of style is the gift of your time.  Listen with 100% attention.  Be present in all ways when conversing with a loved one.
  5. Celebrate your differences – the only thing that needs to be the same is the shared values upon which your lives are based.
  6. The past is your enemy in an argument.  Leave it there.  Move on.
  7. After the two year initial mating period, mature love grows by sharing interests and building on joint achievements.
  8. Even during rocky periods, it’s never too late to have a date.
  9. The only average that counts is batting 1.000 at trying (from my book Out of Bad Comes Good- The Advantages of Disadvantages).

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