To guarantee that you’ll be unhappy, try to change someone.
In spite of the desire to help people, save them, make them better or just offer your way of doing things, there is zero chance they will make permanent change.
I first heard this wisdom at a seminar with Dr. Amit Sood, the Mayo Clinic doctor, author and lecturer who has written extensively on relieving stress.
Not trying to change someone is as hard to do as another person changing because you want them to.
No real change can take place unless or until we want to make that change.
Alcoholics know this the hard way when things have to get so bad or they lose their family or their health. And yet, some won’t even change then.
It will surely drive people away the more you try to change the way they do things or look at things.
Even when others ask for advice, they don’t want it. What they want is for us to listen.
With zero chance to change another person – even for their own good in our opinion – the winning alternative is to accept them precisely the way they are.
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