Everyone fails.
Some build on that failure and some let it get into their psyche.
Study any successful or happy person and you are likely to see a life of ups and downs – some hurtful and significant — that they have to overcome.
Much has been said about how to overcome obstacles, but nothing works faster or better then this technique used by those who shake it off.
Deal with failure and move on.
We let failure stick around like a bad cologne when the first thing to do is move on.
A sports team in a slump lets failure get into their psyche. They bear down harder and still can’t turn it around. Waiting for luck can be a long wait.
To quote the old R&B song “One Monkey Don’t Stop No Show” means one setback should not prevent further progress.
If we’re going to let negative failure thoughts take valuable space up in our heads, we are not going to learn from our mistakes and are likely to get stuck in a bad place.
If we are willing to deal with our difficulties and then – and this is the important part – move on, then we have discovered the secret to overcoming failure faster.
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