Quebec funeral directors are trying to deal with an outbreak of mourners and family members angling to take selfies alongside the caskets of dead people.
They are using restraint by hiding their phones until the last minute and then posing by the deceased to snap one last selfie. I suspect this is not just going on in Quebec.
Phones are great cameras and purveyors of life through video or snaps. But there is the issue of what is respectful to the family.
Selfies are about you.
When the pope visited Philadelphia last year Action News caught onlookers waiting for the exact right moment as his motorcade drove by to snap away with them in the picture with the pope.
A better idea is to pass up the selfie and soak in the memorable moments from life through death.
Our self-absorbed world makes life lonelier for all when everything begins with us.
Spend more time living in the now in which case a picture may be worth a thousand words but a moment together is an indelible memory.
If you’re having a hard time believing the outbreak of selfies by open caskets – click here.
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