Maybe by this morning we will all know who the lucky person or people are who are going to share in this monster Powerball lottery jackpot.
But don’t call them winners.
Here are 8 winners whose luck ran out after they won (article).
In fact, so many lottery “winners” end up homeless, without friends, without a purpose and distanced from those who drank from the fountain of wealth.
In other words, the dream often becomes the nightmare.
Unfathomable wealth turns out to be the kiss of death and yet all of us try to buy a few tickets and get lucky. We say, it would pay for our kids’ education, pay off the house, get us out of debt and maybe allow for a vacation.
Some people (not all) actually quit their jobs, lose their identity and become official spenders of their fortune.
Ask Warren Buffett what he thinks of his wealth as he lives in a modest home and where he has bequeathed only a very small portion of his vast wealth to his children who must spend the majority of it on charitable works.
Bill Gates is giving away his money and now the Zuckerberg’s are pledging to give their billions away.
Money is a wonderful thing, no doubt.
The old saying, “… the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil” starts with the keys words “the love of money”.
What a good time for the rest of us lottery losers to be grateful that we get to keep our jobs, our debt, our problems and our futures because as my mother used to say “if it’s too good to be true, then it probably is”.
Pay forward and give to others as best you can and we’re not just talking about money here.
The gift of your time is worth more than money can buy and feels really good to the giver and receiver.
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