The number one malady for most people today is anxiety.
That is why anti-depressants and anti-anxiety pills are flying off the shelves.
Anxiety is another word for worry and it breeds panic attacks, health problems and is the leading cause of unhappiness especially in younger people.
Those who have not experienced anxiety just don’t get it. The fear of having a heart attack, chest pains, loss of breath and the fear of dying are among the many symptoms.
As a professor at USC I saw the toll young students paid for anxiety much of which was fueled by high expectations to perform and achieve. Unfortunately, many of these expectations were driven by parental expectations.
- Replace negative self-talk with coping self-talk. For every negative thought, come up with a positive one. Never let negative thoughts exist without a positive counter thought.
- Manage stress in your life. How? Just be aware of what you can take and not take and then advocate for your best interest.
- Do not be around people who make you feel more stressful.
- You don’t have to convince anyone or everyone of the physical toll that anxiety has on you. It is wasted energy. Put to better use by being kind to yourself.
- Isolate your fears and find a path to conquering or at least making a dent in them.
- Beware of social media. Many anxious people are irritated or not relieved by investing their time in social media interaction.
Love and accept yourself as you are – a work in progress, a good person and human being who must be mindful of not taking on more than you can handle.
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