14-year old Nicole Pfister is a cancer patient who was bullied online in the cruelest possible ways but former Cincinnati Bengals NFL player Devon Still, the football player whose own daughter Leah gained prominence as she fought cancer came to her rescue.
He told her to buck up and said that he wanted to take her and her family to Disney World.
How cruel were these cyber bullies who took to Instagram to taunt a teen fighting cancer?
“ Knock. Knock. Who’s there? Not you white blood cells, that’s to be sure”.
Another said “kill yourself if you are even alive”.
Bullying has been around as long as people have but with social media, its impact is more widespread and even more hurtful.
We can’t imagine anyone attacking a cancer patient let alone a teenager with such cruelty.
Devon Still wanted to send Nicole a message that bullying is not cool and that there are people who care even when it doesn’t seem like it.
That’s how you push back against the damage bullies can do.
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