The Power of a Smile

My friend, the late dj and radio program director Jay Cook used to put a smile on his face as he turned on his mic.

And he sounded warm, friendly and got large audiences to listen and like him.

You may be the nicest person in the world but when anxiety sets in, you’re in a rush, involved in your cellphone, you don’t necessarily come off that way.

When we look at people we don’t know, we make a judgment about whether we like them, trust them, feel safe around them in a nanosecond.

Some look so sour they have that constipated look frozen on their face.

Try this today.

The next 10 people you see say, “I wish you well” to yourself as you make eye contact.  Watch what happens to them.

And be cognizant of what will happen to you — how it unlocks your goodness and kindness without ever having to say a word.

Yes, this works in a meeting.

It works in an airport terminal with people you don’t know.

And with family.

A smile may be a frown turned upside down but it is also your greatest ambassador.

No words can accomplish what a smile can do.

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