As much as the holidays represent family time, it can be a disaster.
Pent up feelings, unresolved issues and anxiety that comes from everyone being together can lead to a bad outcome.
There are a lot of things that can be done to avoid the drama that can ruin family time together, but the best approach is simple to do.
Don’t try to improve loved ones.
The person who tries to improve another person is signing on for disaster because they most assuredly will be more miserable for the trying than the person they are trying to change.
Enjoy the day.
Enjoy the time together.
Heap on lots of gratitude.
But when you’re beginning to get the feeling that you need to intercede and get involved in another person’s drama, you will always be unhappier.
Family occasions are relatively few.
Weddings, birthdays, graduations, funerals, holidays.
You can survive any family drama if you take the vow to not try to improve a loved one.
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