Many times our first reaction to something new or something we don’t immediately like is fear thought.
This is bad. I don’t like it. I don’t want to do it.
Understandable but not optimal.
Thinking ahead is forethought where we are not committed to anything until we’re comfortable with it.
Nasty text from a friend – fear thought, we overreact. Take time to understand that which makes you uncomfortable.
Rejection – fear thought, the response is often rejecting the person who rejected us. Even hurtful feelings deserve time to understand the circumstances under which they were conveyed.
Fear and worry based on visceral emotions are fear thought. 99% of all that we humans worry about never happens and in the one percent of the cases where it does, it doesn’t happen the way we initially feared it would. Worry about worry is deadlier than worrying about things that are not going to happen.
Fear of the unknown is easier to deal with when we turn that fear into curiosity.
Fear is useless.
Thinking ahead allows us to put a hold on worry – sometimes even a few seconds or minutes.
We don’t have to live by first reactions if we choose to live by second thoughts.
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