Finding Time

American users of TikTok spend an average of 93 minutes a day on the social media app – double their time on Facebook and Instagram.

And a hell of a lot more time than they spend on school work – and that’s a fact confirmed by Sensor Tower analytics.

Even if you don’t use TikTok, never heard of it or think you don’t spend that long on it – digital distractions are everywhere in our lives.

Whether it’s TikTok or something else, how can we say all we need is another hour a day, more time to get things done when we already have enough.

This is another wakeup call that we can gain control of our time.

The power within all of us is there to be exercised by being mindful all day of how we choose to use our time.

Watch TV?  That’s 141 hours per month, 1,692 hours per year or 15 years of your life if you live to the average U.S. expectancy of 78.

How would you use 93 minutes a day?

I can’t wait to ask a classroom full of students this fall how they would use 93 minutes of found time – and, I’ll probably claim some of it for their homework assignments.