Friends in Need

Dr. Marisa G. Franco in Platonic:  “Loneliness is more fatal than a poor diet or lack of exercise, as corrosive as smoking fifteen cigarettes a day.  Friendship literally saves our lives”.

Even in the age of social media.

Still, it means taking the initiative, reaching out and doing the work.

When we like a social media post how well do we really know a “friends” life beyond “the published, polished version”.

Take action:  make small gestures (“I’m thinking of you”), a funny video, a Pinterest recipe, an encouraging voice note —  things that keep us connected in an “endearing” way.

I tell my students I love them – You should see their faces the first time I say it but in their course evaluations they feed the positives back (“the professor REALLY loves us”).

Friendships are more than a click, an emoji or a glib comment – it’s a bit more work and a little risk taking to share positive feelings, but it works well in the digital age.