Maybe it’s because of social media but does it seem that there are more haters than ever before?
If so, you’re not alone.
A hater wants to knock a person down.
They cannot find it in their hearts to be happy for a person so they find public ways to explore a flaw in that person.
Often these haters are people you never really think about. It’s bad enough for older people but it is maddening for teens and young people.
So here is a secret for shutting haters down.
Give it 24 hours and do not react.
If you respond even once, you feed the monster.
This is why some battles go on for years because the parties never stop reacting to each other.
If it bothers you that what a hater says or does reflects on you, take some solace in the fact that most people are on to haters thanks to our social media connectivity. So there is probably no need to defend yourself and bring on more hatred.
Never let anyone program what you think of yourself. Your head is off limits to others. Only you are allowed in to your head.
Hit delete on haters.
Or as Taylor Swift advises – shake it off.
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate
Baby I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake
Shake it off
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