Of course “me time”, time spent primarily on you can be reinvigorating especially if you’re under a lot of stress.
But “you time” focused on others can also carry the benefits of “me time”.
Time you devote to others – this powerful giving of self is not to be underestimated.
Calling, conversing and showing person centered interest in someone who is not you. Just staying in touch.
It has been proven that one of the best mood elevators we have available is to lose ourselves in the lives of those who mean something to us.
To a daughter or son putting your phone down first and saying “Let’s go for a walk (or a run)”.
To a friend who is alone, a call or visit.
For someone else who is also feeling a world of anxiety – “How about lunch tomorrow?” That’s “we time”.
Time not focused on you redirected to others also relieves anxiety.
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