The NHL hockey player Bobby Ryan lost his mother this past July.
The pain of his loss was only soothed by the level of his appreciation for everything she did for him.
In a post funeral letter, Ryan wrote “I lost you just a few days ago, and I already miss you a lot. Even though I had a chance to say goodbye, there are still a few things I’d like to tell you”.
Among the many appreciations was how his mom sacrificed to make it possible for him to play hockey, her fight against an abusive husband and the warmth of their relationship together.
There is hardly a week that goes by that I don’t think of my mother and father and how I want to tell them thanks again and again.
Thanks, dad, for being the most honest person I ever knew. A straight arrow who set a high bar for me.
And thanks mom, for giving me the spunk in my personality and the belief that I could do virtually anything.
When a loved one is gone, it is still not too late to write the letters or visit the grave site for a one-on-one conversation.
I want it to be as if my loved ones will never be gone from my life even if they are not present in the flesh today.
If you have the time, here is Bobby Ryan’s letter to mom that will touch your heart and inspire you to write your own letter.
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