The 5 Date Rule

Things may have changed since you were single – five years ago!

That’s right — things have really changed.

A new survey of 2,000 people from the dating website Singles247 is an eye opener.

According to the findings, single girls now wait until the fifth “date” (if you can call it that) before having sex.

But what makes up their mind has changed, too.

  1. Two gifts or tokens of affection.
  2. Five social media messages.
  3. 12 text conversations.
  4. Five phone calls.
  5. Three DVDs watched (really?).
  6. Seven passionate kisses.
  7. Five heart-to-hearts or meaningful conversations.
  8. Four meals together.
  9. One bunch of flowers.

That’s it.

It takes women a lot less time than men to make up their mind if they like someone on a first date – one in ten know instantly according to this research.

Nearly half have made up their minds on a person only 10 minutes in to a date.


This is insane.

I love social media like the next person and it’s a great addition to dating tools.  No matter how one arrives at a decision to have a relationship, it should be based on two things.

  1. What 5 things do you value the most in another person.
  2. Is the other person living the values that you crave.

And take all the time you like.

Your future together is riding on it.

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