It’s not so much when your career path requires a change as much as it is something in your personal life says time to move on.
Birthdays. Especially turning 40 or 50.
When we attend school reunions there are surveys that show job search increases by 16% according to a Harvard Business Review article in September. It may be that being with others your same age makes you take another look at how far you’ve gone toward career happiness.
Any midlife crisis can prompt a job change review.
But caution: data shows that 50% of employees who wind up staying in their present jobs and accepting a counter offer are likely to leave anyway within a year.
The best time to consider a job change is when you feel that your best abilities are not being utilized. When your growth is impeded. When your dreams are getting away from you.
The best excuse for remaining where you are when these feelings start to emerge is that you need an income, you have a family to support, this is not a good time.
But even the best excuse results in unhappiness that can lead to career turmoil that actually accelerates your fears.
It requires courage to change careers not excuses or counter offers.
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