Dislike the Deed Not the Person

Why waste the energy to hate a person who is at odds with us?

That includes people who are evil, selfish, hurtful or ignorant.

Expending positive energy on disliking people who are not nice is tantamount to a boomerang coming right back at us.

But forgiving is not forgetting.

We must find a way to forgive our enemies as difficult as it can be.  Sometimes they are family and often they are people we know well so it can be very difficult.

We don’t have to expose ourselves to continued hurt and disappointment.  Cut it off and move on.

But no one has ever found justice by doing the exact same thing to others who wish hurt onto them.

Let it go, move on and rid yourself of the negative energy of others.

“Never waste a minute thinking about people you don’t like” – Dwight D. Eisenhower

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