Picture this.
The past is a file that we can recall whenever we need it.
But, always remember to close that file and return to the present.
The future is about hopes and dreams. We go there to plan our lives and next moves.
But, if we fail to return to today, those hopes and dreams rarely happen and if they do come to fruition then we’re not in the right place to enjoy them.
Open files and unfinished plans lead us to a life of distraction.
Waiting for a future event like paying off bills, meeting the right mate, or seeing your children off to college can cause us to miss out on all the joy that we experience in between.
Ever notice how anxious we get when we anticipate even wonderful things that could happen in the future.
It isn’t necessary to get everything out of your mind to live in the now.
Just the ability to focus on the one and only life we will ever have – the one that is happening in real time.
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