There are now more Millennials (roughly 18-34) in the workplace than any other generation including Gen X and Baby Boomers.
So chances are if you are not already working with or for people who are younger, you soon will.
- None are so old as those who have outlived their zest for enthusiasm. The enthusiastic worker or co-worker is ageless and rarely thought of by their age. If you get this right, you won’t need the next few suggestions.
- The good old days are not that good. Most people would never want to go back in time to a “better” day. So give it up and stop talking about it. Nothing says out of date and out of touch more than a person who speaks of the past when working in the present.
- Young people expect a fast track for their ideas (just like older people did in their youth). Check your ego at the door and help them realize their ideas and your value multiplies.
- Think of younger people with the love you have for your own children. As a professor at USC I thought of my students as extended family. And healthy families disagree and disappoint but they like each other. Ironically, I have seen some teachers who disliked the Millennial generation and the feeling of the students was mutual.
- You don’t have to dress like someone 25 or 35 years old to gain the respect of your boss or co-workers. I’m thinking of Steve Jobs who was a baby boomer in jeans and turtlenecks who loved The Eagles and The Beatles. But Jobs respected the desires of a much younger generation and built great products for them.
Only a fool tries to be younger but a wise person becomes invaluable by having the confidence to leave their resume in the past and helping others realize their dreams.
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