Never Let Anyone Tell You What You Can Do

A friend that I respect told me several months ago that I was letting other people live my life.

He had to be a good friend to say that to me, right?

But what he told me has reordered my life and I would like to tell you about it.

We can get advice from others – sometimes good advice, sometimes not so good.

We can get help from those around us.

We can hear reality checks like the man who told a successful entrepreneur I know, “Are you sure you want to take this risk?”  Years later this man marveled at what the entrepreneur accomplished.

But the one thing we must never do is let anyone tell us what we can or cannot accomplish.

You’re never too young to achieve success.

You’re never too scared to take a prudent risk.

We don’t get to outsource our dreams to another person because they are our dreams and no one will ever see them the way we do.