Over the weekend, an Asiana Boeing 777 plane crash-landed on the runway at San Francisco airport. Several people were killed and many others injured.
Shortly afterwards, Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg revealed in a post that she changed her plans at the last minute when returning from Korea in order to earn miles for her family on United. She was traveling with family and three colleagues from South Korea.
Her United flight landed safely in San Francisco 20 minutes before the Asiana flight crash-landed and burst into flames at the same airport.
Sandberg said she was taking a minute to be thankful after hearing of the disaster that she barely avoided.
We don’t have to wait for a near-tragedy to get the benefits of gratitude:
- Take a few minutes now to think of people and things we are grateful for
- Send a “thank you” note, email or text
- Give someone a hug who needs it
- Do someone a favor puts words into action
- And the most challenging way to be grateful: Say thanks for the bad things in life. The person who has been mean to you. The horrible situation you just endured. For out of bad comes good – always and in all ways.
“A single grateful thought toward heaven is the most perfect prayer” – Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
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