The Best Compliment You Can Give (Or Get)

My best friend in the world was fond of paying me a compliment by saying, “JD, you’re a good man”.

Nothing has ever meant more to me.

I try to share this sentiment with people I want to compliment as well. 

“You’re a good woman”. 

“You’re a good person”.

“You’re a good friend”.

But there’s one more component.

Always provide evidence.

“You’re a good woman because you constantly care about others”.

“You are a good husband because you treat everyone equally”.

“You’re a good leader because you brought the best out of all of us. Without you we could not have succeeded”.

Sincerity is a must or else this good intention becomes a form of manipulation.

The simple sound of “you’re a good person” followed by evidence is the most effective form of appreciation I know.

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