The Journey is the Joy

Most of us see ourselves on a long journey … coming by train.

And from the window we drink in the passing scenes of cars on nearby highways…

…of children waving at crossings…

…of cattle grazing on hillsides.

But, uppermost in our conscious minds is our final destination – that certain day … certain hour … when our train will pull into the station with bands playing and flags waving!

And, once that day comes…dreams come true.

So, restlessly we pace the aisles, peering ahead … waiting … waiting for the station.  Once we reach the station, that will be it.

When we’re 18.

When we win that promotion.

Buy that sports car.

Put the last kid through college.

Pay off the mortgage.

Have a nest egg for retirement.

We await each station with such anticipation.

Sooner or later, however, we learn that – there IS no station.  There is NO place to arrive once and for all.

The station is an illusion.  The station constantly outdistances us.

The journey is the joy.

So…stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles.

Instead…swim more rivers…

Climb more mountains…

Kiss more babies…

Count more stars…

Go barefoot more often…

Eat more ice cream…

Watch more sunsets…

Ride more merry-go-rounds…

Life is to be lived today.

This was from a broadcast by Paul Harvey on August 27, 1985.