When To Stop Chasing Your Dreams

My USC students seemed to always want to know the answer to this question – how long is it prudent to pursue your dreams.   When must you be more practical?

I always answered the question backwards.

Describe for me a person who for one reason or the other stop pursing their dreams and accepted that they were out of reach and I will describe a person who will have an empty feeling in them for the rest of their lives.

My answer:  never stop pursing your dreams.

I make that a personal practice of mine and I’m a teacher not a student.

There are all sorts of ways to be practical (i.e., earn a stable living, etc.) that do not require abandoning the one thing that lights your fire.

Without dreams our lives are so ordinary.

With dreams, they can be extraordinary.

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them”  – Walt Disney

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