Why We Suck Up To Drama Queens

People who seek attention, show jealousy, talk behind our backs or unfairly judge us somehow seem to win the attention nice people should be getting.

Why is that?

Sometimes you can bend over backwards to be thoughtful and nice – and yes, you get some gratitude but somehow the needy “drama queens and kings” get more positive attention.

That’s because society is addicted to bad news (duh-look online, TV news, haters, etc.).  No one cares about the nicest person in the world, attention always goes to the one with the most bizarre behavior.

This is apparently a human condition that is not very nice and it begs the question how should we act if the more difficult person gets the most positive attention.

In the end, it is not what others think of us but what we think of ourselves.

In my book Out of Bad Comes Good – The Advantages of Disadvantages I share my routine.  When shaving in the morning, I look in the mirror and ask, “Are you the person you want to be – honest, a friend, compassionate, ethical …?”

Remarkably, people who are centered in their own self-confidence and therefore less needy attract real admirers.

The world appreciates a person who is authentic in as many ways as possible.

You can sample Out of Bad Comes Good – The Advantages of Disadvantages at no cost here.