The harder people try to feel stronger and more empowered – the less it seems to work.
Talk is just talk.
And taking action can sometimes be viewed as bullying or aggressive behavior.
Here’s the secret to becoming more powerful.
Be the person who gives away their power.
People are attracted to strong people who make others stronger as well.
Let someone else make the decision you were going to make.
Encourage others to recommend to you the best course of action (instead of being the one to dictate or strongly influence it).
Give the gift of your time (nothing is more appreciated than a person who is willing to listen).
Find ways to give away your power – if you are the boss, supervise as if you were still the person that works for you.
And give credit that might belong to you to other deserving people.
I know a person who gave away most every award he received by accepting it and giving it to the person who helped him win that award.
Powerful people live a life of giving away their power not fighting for it.
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