Expectations of Others

  • Many of my NYU students this new semester are battling the fine balance between pursuing their life happiness and making their parents happy – it’s not just an adolescent problem.
  • Non-students have the same issues as close friends, work associates and even family can cause stress of moving forward.
  • Think if it like this – you are flying the plane, those who matter to you in life are giving advice – in the end, it’s rightfully your decision.
  • When I told my dad I didn’t want to go to college and wanted to be radio dj, he said “you’re going to college” and will be the smartest dj on the air.
  • In the end, I took his advice and never looked back – after all, it was my decision to make, he was my advisor.
  • Trying to please others is another way to guarantee unhappiness – the person who needs to be pleased is you and any doubters will become believers the moment you believe.