Getting To Yes Faster

For years the state of Michigan had a problem getting residents to sign up as organ donors.

Even with 800 volunteers canvassing the state.

So in 2011 these volunteers asked the state of Michigan for permission to allow DMV clerks to ask every customer whether they would like to donate their organs.

In just two years the number of new donors went from 320,000 to 520,000 due mostly to the direct in-person questioning of the DMV clerks.

It took 16 years to register 2 million donors and now there are 3 million statewide.

One of the reasons we don’t get maximum cooperation when we want to get something done in our personal or business lives is because we don’t ask for what we want – face to face, directly.

That leaves spouses and partners to guess what the other wants.  

Employees to wonder what their associates expect of them.

It’s not magic.

Ask face to face and you are more likely to get to yes faster.

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