By trying to take a picture of this bumper sticker as I did on Sunday.
You see, the clever bumper sticker distracted me enough to photograph it for you.
Texting while driving is more dangerous than drunk driving and that’s not good, either.
Parents text more than young adults – backed up by research I have shared here.
It’s a menace to you and to your children if you are a parent.
The law clamps down on drunk driving but lets texting while driving go on in spite of the few states that actually “ban” it in principle if not in practice.
Again, texting is not the problem.
Bad judgment is the problem.
Apple, Google and others are trying to find hands free ways to receive and respond to texts but that may fall on deaf ears because if you check with young people (and their texting parents), it’s the tactile feeling finger texting that brings the pleasure.
Technology already supplies us with ways to record it and text it.
Mel Karmazin, the media executive who most recently helped Sirius XM satellite achieve success used to say that everything was a distraction in a car but that radio was the least of them and over decades of use few have ever died from listening to the radio (unless the programming was that bad).
Don’t look to others to reign in texting while driving.
Just as your best friend deserves as much non-distracted face time as our digital devices, the same holds true for driving.
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