How Successful People Handle Change

It’s natural to want to keep doing that which works for us.

Caution:  playing it safe is hazardous to our ability to innovate and create.

Remember MySpace?  It became a mere shadow of itself when it was purchased by a traditional media company that was more interested in monetizing it than growing it.  That had the effect of stifling creativity and innovation.

The same might be said of Facebook these days as research shows teens, the early adopters, see it as less important to their lives.

This rule applies to individuals as well.

When we imitate our success, we eventually see it peak and slip away.

So how do we overcome the normal feeling to want to keep doing the things that bring us the most success?

Innovate at the top of your game.

When you are most popular, successful or prosperous.

That is the time to risk change.

The sure way to failure is to treat success as if it will never be diminished.

What makes most people successful is the pursuit of excellence.  Unfortunately, achieving that excellence is often our undoing.

Cultivate a sense of adventure built on the confidence that comes from achieving your goals.  You’ll know the feeling because that is what got you to where you are today. 

Thanks for spreading the word about what we do here.  You’re the best — Jerry

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