Taylor Swift’s Answer To Bullying

Taylor Swift is a thought leader for the Millennial generation.

Her fans love her because she seems to really love them back.

Recently Swift told a bullied fan “not to let ugly words get into your beautiful mind”.

Why aren’t we thinking like this – our minds are not waste cans, they are beautiful things that have the immense capability of doing great things.

Here is her specific advice:

“And if someone punches you again, call the police and report them because that is assault. I’m serious. There’s no direct penalty for bullying with words (except karma) but no one is allowed to hit you. Ever.”

It’s not just children who are bullied.  Bullying is also rampant in adults – psychological bullying such as the ex-boyfriend who sent naked pictures of his former girlfriend to porn sites.  I’m happy to report, he is being sued by a new breed of attorneys who are using unusual tactics such as copyrighting the private pictures so there can be legal redress.

Now that’s pushback!

As Jennifer Lawrence said in this age when people more routinely share intimate pictures with each other, it’s my body and I get to decide.

As far as Taylor Swift is concerned, some of her social media sites were hacked (hey, that’s bullying, too) and the hackers threatened to publish naked pictures of her.   She didn’t hesitate to push back saying “good luck with Photoshop because there aren’t any”.

The answer to bullying is no.

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