Why is it that vacations and holidays are on list of the most stressful things in our lives according to the Holmes-Rahe Scale of Life Stress Inventory?
They are supposed to be stress reducers, right?
Take the test and see how many points you rack up to see if you are at risk of illness, moderately at risk or only slightly at risk.
Motivational speakers and authors have made a fortune trying to help us cope with things that will help us in handling life’s stressors.
And remarkably, the generation that suffers most from stress is young Millennials. Their lives have all the challenges of their parents plus the constant presence of digital connection and staying connected socially.
Here is the way to put a major crimp in life’s stressors:
- Accept whatever you see without giving in to the temptation to characterize it as good or bad. Postponing the “good/bad” impulse allows us to avoid the inevitable stressors associated with such characterizations.
- Temporarily forget what you want and get involved in the experience of living in the present.
Most, not all, of the major stressors on the Holmes-Rahe Scale can be reduced if you practice not rushing to a “good/bad” opinion on that which occurs in life and momentarily forgetting about getting what you want.
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