Detox from Digital

The New York Times tech writer Farhad Manjoo turned to meditation.

Escaping the digital world with app blockers, heightened self-control or even going offline doesn’t work in a world driven by digital connectivity.

There’s meditation that Manjoo says actually helps him to not care as much about the commotion in the digital world and makes him nicer, refreshed and more focused.

There’s heeding to this important warning signal.

If you’re reaching for your phone, the conversation you’re in is not holding your interest.

If you are with a person you care about but you are constantly checking your phone, you don’t care about them as much as you think.

If you’re lost in the black hole of Instagram, Facebook, SnapChat or social media, you need to jump start a new life in real time.

The phone is not going away – it shapes what we see, hear, how we interact, our commerce, everything.

When losing your life to a mobile device, it is time to reexamine the life you are living.

That may be the best gift you’ve ever gotten from a smartphone.

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