Toxic workplaces are inhabited by toxic people.
Often but not limited to the boss.
Here’s how to handle toxic co-workers and their defeating habits:
- Unattainable goals – When they get caught up in unrealistic goals, you concentrate on realistic goals both short and long-term.Break them down into weekly, daily or hourly.
- Perfectionism – If goals are set too high as many managers do, insist on sticking to realistic goals or else you will be on your way to shooting yourself in the foot.
- Fear of failure – Perfectionists often fear failure, which is why they hesitate and often delay action.Never fear failure. Learn from it. Failure is essential to success. It is the rehearsal for success.
- Judging others – Constantly criticizing others is the road to failure. If you work for someone or with people who do that, make sure you don’t criticize them when encouragement is the better choice.
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