I learned to hate bullying when I was a young teenager and the bully of my neighborhood somehow got me to part with some of the best parts of my baseball card collection to trade for his lesser ones.
His name was Butch, you can’t make this stuff up.
To this day, I can feel the pain, the loss and the embarrassment of being snookered out of one of my youthful prized possessions.
The bullying didn’t stop there and when it became physical, I picked myself up and went crying to my mother who told me to go out and push him back – it worked.
He was so much bigger. I was so skinny but it really had nothing to do with that.
Bullying doesn’t just happen to kids – I see it all the time in the radio industry where powerbrokers are vicious in their handling of underlings.
What I learned about bullying 101 was it has nothing to do with size or brute force, it’s all about standing strong at which point the bully looks for another victim.
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