Millennials – the 80 million or so people who are coming of age in Gen Y – have many admirable characteristics not the least of which is pursuing their dreams.
We’re never too young or too old to chase our passions in life.
There is no total number of dreams we are allowed. Everything counts – home, work, relationships, friends, causes. We can have more than one at a time.
Dreaming is not easily outsourced to another, it must come from within. No one can have your dream of the future exactly the way you want it and no one other than ourselves should be asked to be responsible for it.
People who discourage should be avoided because the guaranteed best way to dash your dreams is to allow someone else to tell you what isn’t possible.
Is there a dream that you want to pursue? If so, it will not find you. You will have to find it.
Try this.
Name 5 dreams you have for yourself. Think big – the bigger the better but they don’t have to be earthshattering.
Think “can” instead of “can’t”.
Start today and never look back until you fulfill your dreams.
“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them” – Walt Disney.
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