There are lots of ways to bully people but one of the most popular ones is to make fun of them because they are fat.
For decades thin-is-better has gotten out of hand.
Healthy is best and people of all sizes and shapes can be healthy.
Fat shaming is particularly odious on social media where it seems the worst elements of bullying have found a new and powerful way to hurt people.
Fat shaming or any other kind is a direct reflection on the person doing the bullying and it hurts the victim.
The beauty Marilyn Monroe would be considered too fat to be a model by today’s standards.
Here is how to support friends or children who are losing confidence because they are being held to social media ridicule for being too fat:
- Fat shaming doesn’t lead to weight loss but it does lead to a serious loss of confidence.
- Your body was given to you to love and protect.
- Even skinny people can be “big hearted” – the size of your heart matters more than the size or shape of your body.
- Even a doctor does not get to fat shame a patient for health reasons — allow no one to be the weight police.
Be proud of yourself and your body.
The only thing that matters is to be the fine person that you are.
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