My wife and I were playing golf at The Woodstock Golf Club in Vermont last week and something wonderful happened – no, not our golf scores.
This gentleman named Larry loaded our clubs on the cart (earning a tip).
At the halfway point he offered to get us anything we wanted to eat from the restaurant and bring it to us on the course so we could continue our round on a sunny and beautiful day (another tip).
When we finished the 18th hole, Larry cleaned our clubs but when I handed him another well-earned tip, he said, “No, I’m not going to take it, you’ve been too generous”.
I can’t remember the last time that happened.
I insisted he take the tip but had to physically put the money in his pocket.
Some people are the opposite. When you leave an extra tip, it doesn’t get you as much as a thank you.
Of course giving should not come with strings, but a great time to be grateful is often missed.
When you believe good deeds don’t have to have a price on them, you reap an even bigger reward.
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