Yondr is a new device being used at concerts and with crowds where cellphones run the risk of interfering with the show.
As people enter the venue, they place their phones in a type of see through bag.
Once they enter the phone-free zone, the cases lock. But people have their phones in their possession and if they want or need access, they step out and unlock the case on a special pedestal.
All this to control our growing urge to allow our phones to take over our lives.
But there are other ways.
Turn it off when face time is desired.
In France, a law was passed that forbids companies from requiring their employees to keep their phones on for business into the evening. No one I have spoken to wouldn’t love that law here.
Phones are a great thing and no one wants to give them up.
But we’re ruining our lives, relationships and we’re not helping young people when the urge to stay connected exceeds our human need to be in the now with others 100% present.
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