We love to have our ducks in a row.
Surprises are not something most people want.
Surprises can also be rewarding sources of happiness even ones that are not on the surface happy.
I met my wife by doing something I never do. I called a temporary service to fill in for a week while I was away doing a conference. Obviously, she stayed for a lifetime. And I’m not kidding that the agency wanted me to pay a fee because I married her.
I know of someone who was surprised that she had breast cancer but even more surprised to find out that she didn’t need chemotherapy.
Or the friend who was surprised her husband was having an affair that led to turmoil, sadness and then a new life with a person who valued her.
The job candidate in radio who didn’t get the job he wanted only to remain on the sidelines for another year until the job of his dreams came along.
Surprises are not so bad because they often have a happy ending.
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